Thursday, March 17, 2011

Getting back to things I enjoy.

Back when I was single I used to love to bake.  Over the years, I've gotten away from it a bit since my post-children waistline doesn't need the extra calories.  But there's something very satisfying about making delicious baked goods.

Shortly after I lost my job I had the perfect excuse to dive back into baking - my older daughter's ninth birthday.  Since cupcakes are such a favorite I decided to try my hand at them.  I was inspired by a few of my friends who have baking businesses on the side so I went out and bought some disposable pastry bags and a decorating tip.  The result?  Devil's Food cupcakes with Chocolate Mousse frosting sprinkled with Ghirardelli chocolate shavings.

My daughter and her friends loved them.

While I don't think I'll be starting my own bakery anytime soon, it felt good to have the time to make something so delicious.  And to know that I haven't lost my touch!  I definitely plan on experimenting more with those decorating tips.  My younger daughter's birthday is in April.  We'll see what she dreams up for me to make.

But that's a project for another day.


  1. Those look delicious! I'm probably doing cupcakes for at least one of the kids' birthdays this year. I hope they turn out as well as yours.

  2. They look great, Gail! I love that you're blogging...
    Amy T. :)
